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Doctoral Education in Online Universities

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Degree doctoral education in online programs

This search box offers an amazing array of subject-specific information about education degrees. Click on the areas of choice for you and enjoy custom results tailored to your professional interests. You'll be glad you did your homework!

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Personally, professionally, and financially, pursuing a doctorate in Education makes sense for many teachers and administrators. Just the "bump up" in salary scale where I teach yields tens of thousands of dollars in my pocket over the course of my career AND a higher rate of pension at retirement. Moreover, a doctorate in Education can open all kinds of doors -- to new responsibilities, promotions, and raises.

If you're a teacher, chances are you're a curious person who has a genuine interest in learning. A doctorate can satisfy that curiosity and give you new tools to pursue your intellectual interests. You'll be part of a community of other educators who are thinking about the future of the profession. Pretty exciting stuff, right?

Fitting an advanced degree into a full life: online solutions help

Many of my colleagues got doctorates in Education before online doctor degrees in Education were up and running, and it was really tough to balance teaching, school, and family. Fortunately, online doctor degrees in Education are more flexible. Many respected institutions (such as the ones I've hand-picked for the right-hand column of this page) offer a range of excellent doctoral programs that you complete at home, on your own time. The specifics vary from one university to another, so the best way to find out the details is to ask for more information. It's free and they'll be happy to talk to you. Just use the handy search box above to narrow down your choices.

The great news is this: with a little discipline, you can be a parent, spouse, job-holder, AND graduate student when you study online.

It's easy to search and get more information

To help you make the best choices for your career, I've assembled a fantastic collection of degree doctoral Education in online programs. It's easy to get started - either click on the boxes to the right if one of them appeals to you (they all have excellent graduate programs in Education) or use the search box at the top of this page. Send away for more info from a few different programs, then decide.

Here's to your future success!

Link from Degree Doctoral Education in Online Universities to my main page on doctorates in Education.

Top Education Degree Programs

I've hand-picked these degree programs for my site visitors. They are respected universities that offer an array of Education degrees. Just click to get information. You'll be glad you did your homework!

Free information about Education degree programs at Walden University

Free information about Education degree programs at Grand Canyon University

Free information about Education degrees at Kaplan University

Learn about Education degrees online at Capella University

Learn about Education degrees at the University of Phoenix now