Great Early Childhood Education degree programs: find them here

early childhood education degree programs

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Finding excellent early childhood education degree programs has become increasingly important. After all, early childhood education has been a growing field for many years, and some states (including California, where I live) are strict about education and licensing requirements for people who teach young children.

ECE programs can lead to careers in:

* Teaching children from preschool through third grade
* Owning a preschool or daycare
* Directing an after school program for young children
* Developing curriculum for preschool teachers

Sound interesting? If the answer is YES, it's time to prepare yourself with an ECE degree.

Degrees, licensing, and more

early childhood education degree programs

Great news: there are lots of excellent programs for Early Childhood Education professionals. Since requirements vary by state, you'll want to check with the programs you're considering to make sure they fit your needs exactly.

Depending on your area of interest, you may need an Associate's Degree (two years of college), a Bachelor's Degree (four years), and/or a Master's Degree/Doctorate in Education. Don't be intimidated by all those degrees -- many educators start with an undergraduate degree and accumulate the other credits slowly.

I've compiled some excellent programs here. You can search by location or by area of interest.

Visit the links below for information about master's degrees and doctorates in education.

Here's to your success!

Local or online?

If you're returning to school and interested in early childhood education degree programs, the options can be a little mind-boggling. Here are some general terms to help you choose:

* Distance Education refers to attending a school that isn't necessarily located where you live. I earned my master's degree at a distance education program and loved it. We corresponded with professors during the academic year and attending two in-person, eight-day residencies annually. Schools set up distance learning programs in a variety of ways.

* Online Education means almost all your schooling takes place on the Internet. You'll have an interface that allows you to stay in touch with professors and peers, and you may do chat rooms, video chat (such as Skype), online lectures or presentations, and more. This can be very convenient for working professionals and parents.

* Campus-Based Programs mean you are part of an in-person school community. This can be wonderful for building a personal network, especially if you intend to continue your career in the community where the school is located. Many campus-based programs today offer some "hybrid" options so that some coursework can be done online.

It's a new world, isn't it? And it means education is more accessible now than ever before.

Link from Early Childhood Education degree programs to my page on master's degrees online.

My top 5 questions for prospective students in elementary education.

Info about ECE Master's Degrees online is right here.

Degree Elementary Education Online

Top Education Degree Programs

I've hand-picked these degree programs for my site visitors. They are respected universities that offer an array of Education degrees. Just click to get information. You'll be glad you did your homework!

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