Elementary and Special Education Teacher with Masters private tutor

by Jenna Gallagher
(Austin, TX)

I am an experienced private tutor available to offer individualized lessons to early childhood and elementary age students. I specialize in reading (including phonics, reading comprehension, phonological awareness, fluency and much more). I can also tutor special education, math, intermediate Spanish and babysit. Please visit my website to learn my information about me. My website includes my resume, references, and helpful tips for all parents.


Jenna Gallagher

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Nov 05, 2015
by: Anonymous

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Oct 22, 2015
by: Jesse Henry

Jenna Gallagher, Hey. Hope you are doing great. You seem to be a very talented and professional Elementary education and Special Education Teacher with Masters and offers as a private tutor. Try writing service, it has education as a big upcoming and demanded topic of discussion. In which people share their educational abilities and skills and discuss it with others who need tutors.

Oct 19, 2015
by: http://essaytoday.net/

Hi! I need to improve Spanish. How many lessons should I have per week? I'm 25 and need to work on my Spanish better. I have to pass an exam soon.

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