Good math tutors can make all the difference
If you're looking for math tutors, you're in the right place. This site has links to online academic support and home tutoring services as well as tips for getting the most out of sessions and much more. Below, you can search among thousands of verified math tutors by zip code. First, I'd like to tell you a bit about how to get the most from math tutoring. Knowing how to get the right help from the right person is invaluable. I had the pleasure of tutoring alongside a wonderful mathematics tutor at CCSF (where I now teach). He made Trigonometry look easy. Watching him, I became a believer in the difference one-on-one help can make for a student. Step One: What help does your child need?Get specific! Your first task is to figure out just what sort of help you or your child need(s). Arithmetic? Trig? Calculus? Algebra? Talk to teachers until you have a clear idea of what help is needed and what to ask for when you talk to a tutor. Some general math tutors can do it all, but not everyone is willing (or able). A stats genius may not be able to explain fractions clearly and vice versa. Step Two: For a short-term solution, free math homework help resourcesProfessors and teachers may be willing to meet one-on-one with students. Check into office hours or after-school meeting times.At college, teaching assistants may also offer individual help, or students may have access to an on-campus tutoring lab. A few cutting-edge institutions even offer their students online tutoring. Ask around, and don’t be shy! Lots of great tutoring resources don’t get used because students don’t know they exist. In K-12 grades, student teachers could be a good resource for struggling students. Parents may also be willing to serve as volunteer tutors. If you belong to a religious organization, ask about tutoring help there. Step Three: Get professional, student, or peer tutoring if needed.Not all tutors are created equal. If you want the best help with math homework, look for someone with a BA or Master’s degree in Mathematics or a related field and a year or two (minimum) experience teaching or tutoring. Of course, people with those qualifications are often teaching their own classes, so they can be a little tough to find—and you’ll have to lure yours with highly competitive fees. A tutoring center in your area may be a good place to start. I highly recommend working with a private one-on-one instructor in math. Just type in your specific subject and zip code, and you'll be on your way to academic success today.
How much will it cost? Here's my page on tutoring rates and fees. College students, especially Math, Engineering, or Economics majors, may be a good source of academic support. Students can get help with math homework from them, and they’ll charge less than professional math tutors. Some are no doubt future teachers with a knack for helping others. But bear in mind, even advanced college students are not experts (yet) and likely have no teaching experience. Peer tutors are another possibility. You may be able to find a peer to help you with math while you help her with English or another subject. You could also join a peer study group. Get the help you need right away.The sponsors of this site provide a variety of high-quality tutoring services. Click the links below to find out more!
Would you like a tutor to come to you?Sometimes it's easiest to schedule extra academic help at home. You'll want someone reliable and with excellent references.
I have the inside scoop. Link from Math Tutors to Home Tutoring Service.